The action recognition framework based on local features was established to improve the recognition ability of human behavior in video sequences. The algorithms related to the framework were researched through spatial temporal features extracting and encoding and parameters optimization of SVM classifier. Firstly, the feature descriptors composed of Histograms of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Histograms of Optical Flow (HOF) were used to describe Space Time Interest Points (STIP) achieved by the Harris 3D detector and then encoded by Fisher Vector (FV). Due to the generalization ability of Support Vector Machine (SVM) model for action classification under fixed parameters was insufficient, the particle swarm optimization algorithm was applied to the parameter optimization of each action classifier. According to the characteristics of population diversity changed from generation to generation, the constructed particles aggregation degree model was used to adjust mutation probability for each generation of particles dynamically. Finally, the proposed method was verified by KTH and HMDB51 data sets. The results show that the Adaptive Mutation Particle Swarm Optimization (AMPSO) algorithm can avoid the local optimum and has strong global optimization capability. The recognition accuracies on KTH and HMDB51 data sets are 87.50% and 26.41%, respectively, which are better than two recognition methods. Experimental results indicate that the AMPSO algorithm has good convergence performance and the overall recognition framework has high practicability and accuracy. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.
来源 :
Optics and Precision Engineering
ISSN: 1004-924X
年份: 2017
期: 6
卷: 25
页码: 1669-1678