A feature extraction method for gear faults based on Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT) is proposed. In this method, Fractional Fourier Transform of the gear vibration signals is carried out by using transform order as the variable. Peak points are found through two-dimensional search according to threshold in the fractional Fourier plane formed by signal energy, where the optimal order is determined. The construction of a narrow band pass filter could be used to separate the useful components of gear vibration signal from the background noise. The wavelet packet decomposition and reconstruction is then applied to the useful components extracted from the gear vibration signal to obtain the feature signal of frequency bands. And it is lined up as gear fault feature to each frequency band feature signal of the highest decomposition layer after wavelet packet decomposition. Experimental results show that the gear fault feature extraction method based on FRFT proposed in this paper is able to availably suppress background noise and highlight the target component. The wavelet packet frequency band energy can accurately reflect the gear meshing transmission information, which can effectively extract the gear fault features. © 2017, Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. All right reserved.
来源 :
Chung-Kuo Chi Hsueh Kung Ch'eng Hsuebo Pao
ISSN: 0257-9731
年份: 2017
期: 6
卷: 38
页码: 639-645
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