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Zhang, Zhao-Zhao (Zhang, Zhao-Zhao.) | Qiao, Jun-Fei (Qiao, Jun-Fei.) (学者:乔俊飞) | Yu, Wen (Yu, Wen.)




Modular neural network is an effective method to solve the complex problems that the monolithic fully coupled feedforward neural networks are difficult to learn. The most difficult problem of the modular neural network design method now facing is how to determine the number of function modules and the structure of the sub-modules in each function module under the condition of lack of the learned objects back ground knowledge. In this paper, we presents a hierarchical adaptive modular neural network structure design method based on the facts that the brain-like information process uses the mechanism of unsupervised learning, semi-supervised learning and supervised learning, and the brain networks demonstrate the property of hierarchical modularity, within each module there will be a set of function modules, and within each function there will be a set of sub-modules, and the brain-like information learning processing is purposeful to select several sub-modules from different function module to collaboratively learning. In essence, firstly, an unsupervised clustering algorithm named fast finding of density peaks cluster algorithm is adopted to identify the cluster centers based on all training samples, then the number of the function module and the training set of each function module can be determined. Secondly, a semi-supervised clustering algorithm named conditional fuzzy clustering algorithm is used to divide the training set of each function module into several groups to determine the number of sub-modules in each function module. For each sub-module, an incremental design of RBF network algorithm based on training error peak is applied to construct the structure of sub-module, this algorithm can adaptively build the structure of the sub-modules based on the training samples that allocated to the sub-modules. In sub-modules integration, a sub-module integrative approach based on relative distance measure is applied which can select different sub-modules from different function modules to collaboratively learning the training samples. The modular neural network structure design method we presented in this paper solves the problem of how to determine the number of sub-modules and the structure of the sub-modules on the situation of lack of the back ground knowledge of the learning objects, moreover, the presented modular neural network design method requires only 2 artificial parameters (Hi the number of sub-modules in each function module, K the membership degree of training samples to function module training sets) compared with other modular neural network design methods, and the learning speed increased nearly by 10 times compared with monolithic fully coupled RBF neural network, therefore, the proposed modular neural design method really achieves the black box effect on neural network application. At the end of this paper, we evaluate the proposed hierarchical modular neural network on several benchmark problems, include complex function fitting problem and double helix classification problem based on artificial data set, and complex data regression problems based on real data sets. The extensive results show that the modular neural network architecture proposed in this paper can not only solve the complex problems that the fully coupled RBF difficult to deal with, but also has high learning precision, fast learning speed and high generalization ability. © 2017, Science Press. All right reserved.


Classification (of information) Learning systems Complex networks Clustering algorithms Fuzzy clustering Sampling Semi-supervised learning Radial basis function networks Number theory Design Network architecture


  • [ 1 ] [Zhang, Zhao-Zhao]Institute of Electronic and Information Engineering, Liaoning Technical University, Huludao; Liaoning; 125105, China
  • [ 2 ] [Qiao, Jun-Fei]Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Yu, Wen]Department of de Control Automatic, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico City; 07360, Mexico






来源 :

Chinese Journal of Computers

ISSN: 0254-4164

年份: 2017

期: 12

卷: 40

页码: 2827-2838


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 4

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1


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