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Jia, Jun-Feng (Jia, Jun-Feng.) (学者:贾俊峰) | Zhao, Jian-Yu (Zhao, Jian-Yu.) | Guo, Yang (Guo, Yang.) | Ou, Jin-Ping (Ou, Jin-Ping.)




To develop a new type of three-dimensional (3D) isolator proposed by authors and investigate seismic responses and 3D isolation effect of 3D isolated continuous girder bridges under different seismic intensities and characteristics, a 1/25 scaled three-span continuous girder bridge with 3D isolator bearing (3DIB) and a single-span girder bridge with the common natural rubber bearing (NRB) only for horizontal isolation were designed and manufactured. The 3DIB and NRB were designed and selected for the bridge model test. On this basis, the horizontal and vertical seismic simulation shaking table tests were respectively carried out on the three-span and single-span isolated continuous girder bridge models. The results show that the developed 3D isolation bearing takes effect safely and effectively with no damage under almost all seismic excitations after the test. There is no damage on three-dimensional isolation bearing after the test. Under the horizontal earthquake action, both 3DIB and NRB reveal favorable horizontal isolation effect with 50%-80% for horizontal acceleration of main girders. The horizontal isolation effect of 3DIB with lead-core laminated rubber component is obviously better than that of NRB under near-fault pulse-like ground motions. Under the vertical seismic action, the peak vertical acceleration of the single-span girder isolated by NRB may obviously increase. The maximum acceleration may be double that of the original one. The amplitude may be enlarged in some time although the peak value is not amplified in some excitations. The peak vertical acceleration of the continuous girder with 3DIB will decrease by 30%, even up to 50%, and there is basically no local amplification in some time. The 3D isolated bridge shows satisfactory isolation effect under horizontal and vertical seismic excitations, which provides the valuable basis for 3D isolation technology applied in the bridge engineering. © 2017, Editorial Department of China Journal of Highway and Transport. All right reserved.


Bearings (structural) Nonmetallic bearings Beams and girders Rubber Seismology Testing Railroad bridges


  • [ 1 ] [Jia, Jun-Feng]Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Jia, Jun-Feng]State Key Laboratory of Bridge Engineering Structural Dynamics, China Merchants Chongqing Communications Technology & Design Institute Co., Ltd., Chongqing; 400067, China
  • [ 3 ] [Zhao, Jian-Yu]Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Guo, Yang]Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China
  • [ 5 ] [Ou, Jin-Ping]School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin; Heilongjiang; 150090, China





来源 :

China Journal of Highway and Transport

ISSN: 1001-7372

年份: 2017

期: 12

卷: 30

页码: 290-298


WoS核心集被引频次: 0


ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1

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