Taking the advantages of tuned mass damper (TMD) and tuned liquid column dampers (TLCD) in civil engineering vibration control, a double tuned liquid column damper (DTLCD) was presented considering the cost and efficiency of vibration attenuation used in civil engineering. The motion equation of the DTLCD-single-degree-of-freedom (DTLCD-SDOF) system under harmonic excitation was established, of which the dynamic magnification factor (DMF) was derived. Then, an optimization strategy and evaluation function was proposed to judge the parameters of DTLCD, and a parameter optimization program written in Matlab was used to optimize DTLCD. Effects of each parameter on dynamic magnification factor (DMF) were discussed, as well as the robustness of DTLCD when the damping ratio and frequency were changed. Finally, the effectiveness and robustness of DTLCD was compared with that of the TMD, TLCD and DTMD. The theoretical and numerical results showed that the effectiveness of DTLCD was much better than of the TMD and TLCD, and was the same as that of DTMD; meanwhile, DTLCD had the best robustness in terms of perturbation of structure frequency. It was concluded that DTLCD is a very effective method of vibration control. © 2016, Editorial Department of JVMD. All right reserved.