Tensile failure behavior of concrete dominates the behavior of concrete specimens and structural elements. It is strongly affected by loading rate. To study the discreteness and randomness of concrete static/dynamic tensile strength, the influence of aggregate spatial distribution pattern was discussed. Taking account of the strain rate effect of meso-scale components under dynamic loading, a meso-scale mechanical model and method were established, in which the concrete was assumed to be composed of aggregate particles, mortar matrix, and the interfacial transition zones between the former two phases. Furthermore, the uniaxial dynamic tensile mechanical behavior of 64 sets of concrete with different aggregate distribution patterns was studied numerically, and the discreteness of concrete strength was analyzed statistically. The results indicate that: the tensile strengths of concrete with different aggregate distribution obey the Weibull distribution; with the increase of strain rate, the discreteness of the concrete tensile strength decrease gradually. © 2016, Editorial Office of Journal of Vibration and Shock. All right reserved.