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Ye, Jihong (Ye, Jihong.) | Shen, Huiqian (Shen, Huiqian.) | Xue, Suduo (Xue, Suduo.) (学者:薛素铎)




Pitting corrosion is a local and severe form of corrosion, resulting in degradation of the mechanical properties for structural members and security risks for the whole structures caused by sudden accident. A simplified analytical method for the quantitative evaluation of the mechanical properties of steel members with pitting corrosion resistance was proposed by equivalent elastic modulus. Based on experimental data, an analytical method was proposed to calculate the mechanical properties of members with pitting corrosion. In this method, some assumptions about the pitting depth, diameter and distribution were put forward. Considering the influence of the coating life, the relationship of corrosion status between in laboratory and in ocean atmosphere was established according to the same corrosion rate. Based on axial compression FEM model, the equivalent elastic modulus of structural members with pitting corrosion was obtained. Through curve fitting, practical method was proposed to obtain the mechanical properties of members in ocean atmosphere. A numerical example demonstrated the validity of the proposed method using equivalent elastic modulus to analyze the mechanical properties of pitting corrosion members. The calculated results indicate that, with the same corrosion rate, the equivalent elastic modulus of pitting corrosion members is lower than that of uniform corrosion members. © 2016, Editorial Board of Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology. All right reserved.


Corrosion resistance Structural members Pitting Curve fitting Steel corrosion Mechanical properties Seawater corrosion Corrosion Numerical methods Corrosion rate Atmospheric corrosion Elastic moduli


  • [ 1 ] [Ye, Jihong]Key Laboratory of Concrete and Pre-stressed Concrete Structure, Southeast University, Ministry of Education, Nanjing; 210018, China
  • [ 2 ] [Shen, Huiqian]Key Laboratory of Concrete and Pre-stressed Concrete Structure, Southeast University, Ministry of Education, Nanjing; 210018, China
  • [ 3 ] [Xue, Suduo]College of Architecture Civil Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing; 100124, China


  • [ye, jihong]key laboratory of concrete and pre-stressed concrete structure, southeast university, ministry of education, nanjing; 210018, china




来源 :

Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology

ISSN: 0367-6234

年份: 2016

期: 12

卷: 48

页码: 70-75


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 9

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 0

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