First, the outer orientation of pedestrian target was obtained through head-shoulder or color features. Then the improved SIFT features of the pixels were extracted to locate the target accurately in the coarse location area. The pedestrian scale change problem was solved based on SIFT features to figure out the scale variation of the pedestrian. Simultaneously, the updating mechanism of SIFT features template library was introduced into feature reservation priority level to solve the problem of temporary occlusion and deformation of the target. Aiming at the adaptive elliptic kernel function of the traditional Cam-Shift algorithm, the variable-bandwidth and orientation ellipse kernel was combined with scale variations of the human and the Epanechnikov function, which reduced the interfere of background. Furthermore, the searching area for Harris operator was limited by the outler coarse location results, which improved the real-time performance of SIFT feature matching. The experimental results indicate that the proposed mobie robot human tracking algorithm can accomplish human tracking under conditions of target scale variations, temporary occlusion and deformation. © 2016, Zhejiang University Press. All right reserved.
来源 :
Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science)
ISSN: 1008-973X
年份: 2016
期: 9
卷: 50
页码: 1677-1683