According to the complex nonlinear relationship of seismic subsidence, seven measured indicators of earthquake liquefaction were selected as key impacting indicators to predict the building settlements, including the earthquake intensity I, the length-height ratio L/H, the average contact pressure p, the width-depth ratio DB, the relative density RD, the thickness of non-liquefied layer and the depth of gravel layer wd. Firstly, 41 groups typical cases were collected as the training sample, and 20 groups typical cases were defined as the test sample, which has enter the test sample and output the prediction accuracy from the LS-SVM. Secondly, the SVM method and BP method were chose to verify the validity and reliability of LS-SVM model. Finally, a example analysis show that the method is feasible, effective and simple to implement, and the process discussed in this paper can also be applied to the seismic damage prediction of other structures of different forms. © 2015 ejge.