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Wang, Fei (Wang, Fei.) | Su, Jingyu (Su, Jingyu.) (学者:苏经宇) | Wang, Zhitao (Wang, Zhitao.)


EI Scopus


The phenomenon of liquefaction is significant during the Wenchuan earthquake, and the gravel soil liquefaction has accounted for a large proportion of it. Due to the high dimensional complex nonlinear relationship between the gravel soil liquefaction and influencing factors, it is very challenging to meet the requirements of the speediness and high precision of gravel soil liquefaction due to the intrinsic defects of theoretical analysis and numerical calculation, therefore, a new prediction method based on Gaussian Process Regression (GPR model), as a probabilistic kernel leaning machine and powerful tool for solving highly nonlinear problems, which is proposed for the liquefaction forecast of seismic gravel soil. Six measured indicators of gravel soil liquefaction were selected as key impacting indicators to predict the main impact factor, including earthquake intensity EI, the peak acceleration of earthquake PGA, the depth of gravel layer ds, groundwater level dw, effective overburden pressure σv', and shear wave velocity Vs. Firstly, 37 groups typical cases were collected as the training sample and 8 groups typical cases were defined as the test sample, which has enter the test sample and output the prediction probability from the GPR model. Secondly, the SVM method, PLS method, MLR method, LSSVM method and RF method were chosen to verify the validity and reliability of GPR model. Finally, a example analysis show that the method is feasible, effective and simple to implement, which also provide a new way for the liquefaction prediction of seismic gravel soil. Copyright © 2015 Binary Information Press.


Artificial intelligence Shear flow Gravel Soil liquefaction Seismology Learning systems Gaussian distribution Gaussian noise (electronic) Geophysics Earthquakes Regression analysis Numerical methods Groundwater Soils Shear waves Forecasting Wave propagation


  • [ 1 ] [Wang, Fei]Institute of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Reduction, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
  • [ 2 ] [Su, Jingyu]Institute of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Reduction, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
  • [ 3 ] [Wang, Zhitao]Institute of Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Reduction, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China


  • [wang, fei]institute of earthquake resistance and disaster reduction, beijing university of technology, beijing, china





来源 :

Journal of Computational Information Systems

ISSN: 1553-9105

年份: 2015

期: 21

卷: 11

页码: 7883-7891


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 1

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1

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