In this paper a practice method based on fuzzy comprehensive for site classification is established. According to the code for seismic design of building (GB50011-2010) this paper chooses two-parameter indexes: the equivalent shear wave velocity and overburden thickness. Firstly in order to get the universe value of the equivalent shear wave velocity and overburden thickness, the site classification standard in the code for seismic design of building is Equivalent Transformed. Then according to the assumption that the membership function of evaluation factor obeys the normal distribution, the values of k and t corresponding to the two-parameter indexes are obtained. In addition, the site classification is gotten the fuzzy comprehensive assessment by weighted algorithm and the result is verified by the Secondary comprehensive judgment of site classification based on the range groups of the equivalent shear wave velocity. It is verified that the method is feasible and effective by example calculation and comparative analysis. The evaluation results can provide a theoretical basis for site classification. © 2015 ejge.