The interval-valued Pythagorean fuzzy (IVPF) sets, describing the membership and non-membership degrees from interval values, can address uncertain information, while the normal fuzzy number (NFN) can depict normal distribution information in anthropogenic activity and natural environment. By combining the advantages of both operations, in this study, we proposed the interval-valued Pythagorean normal fuzzy (IVPNF) sets by introducing the NFN into IVPF environment. Firstly, we defined the conception, the operational laws, score function, accuracy function of IVPNF sets. Secondly, we presented four information aggregation operators to aggregate IVPNF information, including the IVPNF weighted averaging (IVPNFWA) operator, IVPNF weighted geometric (IVPNFWG) operator, the generalized IVPNFWA operator, and the generalized IVPNFWG operator. In addition, we analyzed some desirable properties of monotonicity, commutativity, and idempotency for the proposed four operators. Finally, a numerical example on multi-attribute decision-making problem is given to verify the practicality of the proposed operators, and the comparative and sensitive analysis are used to show the effectiveness and flexibility of our proposed approach.