Photon mapping is an efficient method which produces high-quality photorealistic images. Based on finite memory space, we propose a new photon mapping algorithm based on noise-reduced photon maps of external memory. Our method groups noise-reduced photon maps corresponding to some original photon maps whose photons have a lot of noise by some stages of photon tracing, according to an energy distribution between photons. Then we save these groups of noise-reduced photon maps into the external memory. In the stage of illumination estimation, we read each group of noise-reduced photon maps into internal memory for producing the corresponding image, in order to obtain the final image by averaging these images. As these groups of noise-reduced photon maps are saved into external memory, we need not to repeat a very long stage of photon tracing as rendering, so the total computational time of final image is very short. We can effectively reduce the bias of final image by increasing the photon map number of each group of noise-reduced photon maps, and reduce the noise of final image by increasing the number of original photon maps. Copyright © 2015 Binary Information Press.