The traffic flow at signal intersection shows different characteristics due to the influence of adverse weather. Setting specific signal control scheme in adverse weather conditions is an important way to reduce its negative influence on the traffic. The signal intersections of different types and scales in Beijing are selected as the investigation spots in this study. Based on the weather data and traffic flow data obtained from video detectors through the months of April 2012 and February 2013, the characteristics of indicators including saturation headway, saturation flow rate and start-up lost time in different intensities of adverse weather are analyzed. The relationship models between the indicators and the precipitation are established by significance testing and regression modeling. Consequently, the influence of the rain and snow on the traffic flow of intersections is described quantitatively. Finally, the adverse weather is classified into four grades based on its influence degree on the intersection traffic. These traffic flow characteristics in every grade of adverse weather provide applicable parameters for the optimization of traffic control scheme. ©, 2015 All right reserved.