In this paper, we propose a novel view-invariant gait authentication method based on silhouette contours analysis and view estimation. The approach extracts Lucas-Kanade based gait flow image and head and shoulder mean shape (LKGFI-HSMS) of a human by using the Lucas-Kanade0s method and procrustes shape analysis (PSA). LKGFI-HSMS can preserve the dynamic and static features of a gait sequence. The view between a person and a camera is identified for selecting the target's gait feature to overcome view variations. The similarity scores of LKGFI and HSMS are calculated. The product rule combines the two similarity scores to further improve the discrimination power of extracted features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is robust to view variations and has a high authentication rate. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation.
来源 :
CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
ISSN: 2329-9266
年份: 2015
期: 2
卷: 2
页码: 226-232
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