An all-fiber continuous-wave thulium-doped fiber laser with narrow linear width based on a master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) system that consists of a seed source and two-stage thulium-doped all-fiber amplifiers pumped by fiber-pigtailed multimode diodes at 793 nm is reported. The maximum output power is 120 W with a slope efficiency of 60% after the seed source amplified by a two-stage thulium-doped amplifier. The center wavelength is 1986 nm and 3 dB spectral width is only 0.48 nm. The maximum output power is currently limited by available pump power. In addition, a broadband thulium-doped superfluorescent source with average output power of 122 W based on the same MOPA configuration is reported. The center wavelength is 1990 nm and 3 dB spectral width is 25 nm.