In remote sensing images, the accuracy of land cover classification at pixel scale is affected by mixed pixels greatly. Sub-pixel mapping tries to predict land-cover map at sub-pixel scale according to spectral unmixing abundances and some constraints of land-cover distribution patterns. In this paper, using both spatial and spectral information of land- cover, we propose a new spectrum preserving sub-pixel mapping algorithm based on local connectivity and as a constraint similarity. Spatially, local dependence is re-modeled by the with-in class scatter, nonlocal similarity is introduced by minimizing the representation errors among similar pixels. Spectrally, spectrum preserving is realized by minimizing the spectra errors in sub-pixel mapping. Comparative experiments with artificial and real images show that the proposed algorithm achieves a higher accuracy than other related algorithms, thus it is more suitable for practical application. © 2014 Acta Automatica Sinica. All rights reserved.