Reinforced concrete (RC) piers of irregular bridges such as skew or curved bridge may be subjected to a combination of axial load, shear force, flexural moments, and torsional moments under multi-dimensional earthquake excitations. The combined loading, particularly the torsion, may increase the possibility of irregular flexural-shear failure of RC bridge piers, and consequently impair the seismic resistant capacity of bridge structures. To investigate the effect of coupled bending-torsion actions on the hysteretic behavior of RC circular bridge piers, twelve specimen piers was tested under cyclic combined flexural and torsional loadings, and then the effects of bending-torsion action on torsion and flexural capacity of RC bridge piers are evaluated. Based on the observed and measured results of damage characteristics and load-displacement relationship of tested specimens, the hysteretic restoring force models are developed to predict the responses of RC bridge pier under combined flexural and torsional loadings. The result shows that the flexural and torsional capacity may be impaired due to the effect of bending-torsion action, the failure modes and deformation characteristics are changed, and the damage zone tends to move upwards form the typical flexural plastic hinge zone due to the effect of additional torsional moment. The proposed empirical flexural and torsional hysteretic model for circular RC bridge piers with single spiral stirrup can very well predict the hysteretic behavior of circular RC bridge piers under combined flexural and torsional loadings.