A two-sludge denitrifying-phosphorus-removal system, integrated anaerobic/anoxic /aerobic process with biological aerated filter (AAO-BAF), was used to treat domestic wastewater. By analyzing removal of COD and nutrients, the reactivation performance of AAO-BAF system was evaluated. The seed sludge with high content of denitrifying phosphorus accumulating organisms (DPAOs) had been deposited under room temperature for one month. Two start-up methods (denoted as 1# and 2#) were compared, for which the volume ratio of the anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic zone (Vr) of the AAO reactor was 2:5:2 and 2:6:1 respectively. AAO-BAF system exhibited good removal of COD and NH4+-N without obvious deterioration. At 17th day, TN and PO43--P removal reached 75% and 92% respectively with two start-up methods, while the amount of phosphate taken up per nitrogen denitrified increased from 0.5 to 1.5 mg PO43--P·(mg NO3--N)-1. The results demonstrated that 1# was more suitable for the secondary start-up of AAO-BAF system, the corresponding COD, NH4+-N, TN and PO43--P removal efficiency reached 89%, 99%, 70% and 90% respectively at the 10th day. Furthermore, the results also showed that the sludge settling ability was also recovered more quickly for 1# than 2#. © All Rights Reserved.