To improve the X-C direct-drive platform curve machining contour accuracy, the coupling control system of double axis was introduced. Based on X-C tangential point linkage grinding principle, the calculation model for X, C axis tracking error coupling form contour error was proposed, and X-C direct drive coupling control system was designed. To weaken the influence of factors such as contour trajectory, processing speed change, load change and two-axis control parameters on curve contour accuracy in process of curve contour X-C grinding, the nonlinear PID control strategy was designed to compensate the contour error. The X-C direct-drive platform simulation model was established based on linear motor and torque motor. By choosing the cam processing as the example, the simulation results showed that the nonlinear coupling controller could improve the machining contour accuracy of X-C direct-drive platform.
来源 :
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
ISSN: 1006-5911
年份: 2014
期: 2
卷: 20
页码: 371-378