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Chen, Yan-Jiang (Chen, Yan-Jiang.) (学者:陈彦江) | Xin, Guang-Tao (Xin, Guang-Tao.) | Li, Yong (Li, Yong.) | Liao, Jun (Liao, Jun.)




To study the stress distribution and stress transfer mechanism of the cable-to-girder anchorage structure of tensile anchor plate type under the designed load, the static loading test of the full-scale model for the cable-to-girder anchorage zone of tensile anchor plate type of a cable-stayed bridge was carried out and the stress distribution in the different loaded areas of the model subjected to the different levels of loads was obtained. The ABAQUS was also used to set up the finite element model for the anchorage zone, the bearing behavior of the model was analyzed on the basis of the Von Mises strength theory and the analysis was compared to the test. The results of the test and analysis reveal that under the designed load, the cable-to-girder anchorage structure stays in the range of elasticity and can meet the requirements of the designed bearing capacity. The great stress concentration appears in round arc area of the side welding seam root of the tensile anchor plate and anchor socket. In the part of the tensile anchor plate on the upper stiffening plate, the maximum stress appears in central position of the middle groove. The global stress level in the area of the steel box girder proper is low, the stress transfer paths of all different components of the anchorage structure are clear and it is proposed that in the design, the radius of the mentioned round arc area should be enlarged.


Cables Anchorages (foundations) Structural design Beams and girders Stress analysis Anchorage zones ABAQUS Stress concentration Box girder bridges Cable stayed bridges Seam welding Plates (structural components) Finite element method


  • [ 1 ] [Chen, Yan-Jiang]Key Laboratory of Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Structural Retrofitting of Beijing City, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Xin, Guang-Tao]Key Laboratory of Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Structural Retrofitting of Beijing City, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Li, Yong]Key Laboratory of Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Structural Retrofitting of Beijing City, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Li, Yong]Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
  • [ 5 ] [Liao, Jun]Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport, Beijing 100088, China






来源 :

Bridge Construction

ISSN: 1003-4722

年份: 2014

期: 3

卷: 44

页码: 38-43


WoS核心集被引频次: 0


ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 1

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