According to the forming mechanism, the surrounding rock deformation of tunnel can be divided into material deformation and structure deformation. Based on the space-time effect on the tunnel face by excavation, the deformation distribution of surrounding rock is divided into three parts in space, which are deformation ahead of the tunnel face, at the tunnel face and back from the tunnel face. Besides the general characteristics of the common tunnel, high change rate in initial excavation period, long-lasting deformation, various failure modes, the large change range ahead of the tunnel face, at the tunnel face and back from the tunnel face are considered as the main characteristics of the soft surrounding rock tunnel. In order to control the deformation ahead of the tunnel face, transverse or vertical rigid beam structures formed by steel tubes, steel bars, steel backing plate, or high pressure grouting, etc can be taken as support measures in advance. In order to control the deformation at the tunnel face, countermeasures such as inclined or orbicular tunnel face, reserved core, shotcrete on the face, advance anchor bolt and advanced grouting can be adopted. In order to control the deformation back from the tunnel face, the excavation method should be optimized, meanwhile such measures as shotcrete with high performance concrete, anchor with high bearing capacity, high standard steel support and multiple support, etc should be adopted to improve the bearing capacity of the primary support.