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Tao, Lian-Jin (Tao, Lian-Jin.) (学者:陶连金) | Li, Ji-Dong (Li, Ji-Dong.) | Wang, Guo-Feng (Wang, Guo-Feng.)


EI Scopus PKU


Research purposes: With the powerful development of the urban rail transit, three are more and more new tracks to cross the existing track engineering. However, it is difficult for the traditional construction technology to control the settlement of the existing structures and it needs higher cost. In this paper, combined with the construction of the Gongzhufen Station of the Line 10 of Beijing metro to under-cross the Gongzhufen Station of the Line 1, the introduction is given to the construction technology that is available for effective control of the settlement of the existing structure with the appropriate cost to provide the reference to the similar works. Research conclusions: (1) The settlement of the bottom plate structure of the existing station is affected by the release of stress of the working face, the disturbance to bottom during excavation, the excavation height, the long closure time of the primary support structure and no timely jacking of the jack, and the release of the stress of the working face is the main reason for the settlement of the existing structure. (2) The settlement of the existing structure can be effectively controlled by taking the measures of adding the temporary columns and jacks, reinforcing the foundation base with steel frame, grouting to the back of the primary support with extreme fine cement paste and jacking up by jacks, and the jacking up by the jacks is the most powerful means to control the settlement. (3) The CRD+top brace control technology is available for effective control of the settlement of the existing station and meet the settlement of 3 mm.


Excavation Supports Light rail transit


  • [ 1 ] [Tao, Lian-Jin]Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Li, Ji-Dong]Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Wang, Guo-Feng]Beijing Rail Transit Construction and Management Co. Ltd, Beijing 100037, China





来源 :

Journal of Railway Engineering Society

ISSN: 1006-2106

年份: 2013

期: 7

卷: 30

页码: 74-79




ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 0


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