The nonlinear strength characteristics of rock materials under 3D stress states are studied in the deviatoric plane and meridian plane. The effect of intermediate principal stress and hydrostatic pressure as well as coupling effect of them are studied in these two planes respectively. By conducting linear interpolating of external normal vectors of octahedral plane and spatial mobilized plane, a model of the unified strength theory is proposed. Each kind of material corresponding to a shear failure plane, then the unified strength criterion is established. The criterion has four parameters, all of which have obvious physic significance and it owns continuous smooth failure plane in the principal stress space. It is verified by triaxial compression test data of five different rocks that have been published. Two transformed stress spaces are proposed based on the unified strength criterion;then the criterion is transformed into Mohr-Coulomb criterion and Drucker-Prager criterion in the new stress space respectively. Triaxial compression test data show that the unified strength criterion can be used as Mohr-Coulomb criterion and Drucker-Prager criterion in transformed stress space.