Start-up characteristics of the integrated anoxic/oxic (A/O) biofilm reactor with different carrier packing rates were investigated for the treatment of domestic wastewater with low content ratio of C to N using polyurethane foam and polypropylene hollow ring as biofilm carriers, respectively. In R1 system, the carrier packing rates in anoxic and oxic zones are 45% and 20% respectively, and in system R2, those are 60% and 30%, respectively. The results show that the start-up periods of R1 and R2 system are 27 d and 24 d, respectively, and R1 is more appropriate for practical application. After start-up, the content of biofilm in oxic zones of R1 and R2 system are 87.8% and 79.5%, respectively, which makes smaller volume of settler of the integrated reactor and abolishment of sludge return possible in subsequent running period. Packing rate of 60% of the polyurethane foam in anoxic zones is more conductive to the utilization of organics by pro-denitrification compared to that of 45%. Biofilm formed under condition of fluidized carriers in oxic zones has better capability of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification (SND) and suitability for hydraulic load, whereas it increases the start-up period, and the performance of SND can be regarded as a fuzzy reflection of biofilm formation; biofilm formed under condition of fixed carriers has a less star-up period, whereas the biofilm is vulnerable to the shock of hydraulic load.