Instead of using the traditional detectors made of a series of concentric annular rings with a small aperture in the center, a high sensitivity, low noise, high resolution and cooled CCD is employed to detect the scattering pattern. An optical fiber is placed in the focal point of the receiver lens to make the transmitted light away from the optical axis. The image of scattering pattern recorded by CCD can be processed to get the curves of light intensity distribution with the scattering angle. Further, the particle size distribution can be calculated by Mie scattering code with inversion technique. It is possible to measure very diluted dispersions or fogs with CCD based low angle elastic light scattering measurement system due to its high sensitivity, high angular resolution. Although low angle elastic light scattering seems a more accurate method for its measurement principle, it is not an intuitive method. Normally the accuracy of laser particle sizing is verified by standard particles which are measured by other optical methods. A non-optical method is suggested. A mono-disperse droplet generator is used to produce a chain of droplets with same size, same droplet spacing to verify the laser scattering droplet sizing results.