The Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 had caused serious damages of many modern buildings but relatively slight damages of Chinese ancient wooden buildings. To find out aseismic mechanism of these ancient structures, Taihe Palace in the Forbidden City was taken as example for analysis. Besides layout, its components such as basement, column, tenon-mortise joint, Tou-Kung (bracket sets), beam structure, roof, wall and so on were all considered to discuss their effects to aseismic performances of the whole structure. Results show that layout of Taihe Palace is reasonable, which can avoid torsion mode of itself; its column roots are set on stone bases by free-standing means, which can absorb part of earthquake energy by sliding motions of column roots; its tenon-mortise joints and Tou-Kungs can consume part of earthquake energy by frictions and compressions among their components; low ratio of height against width of its beam structure can avoid sliding as well as overturn under earthquakes; its thick roof may enhance stability of the whole structure; finally the wall components can reduce deformation of wooden frames under earthquakes.