The photostability, photo-bleaching and photo-darkening behavior of twelve film samples of Ge-As-Se thin films with different chemical compositions are investigated when the films are exposed at irradiation of 656 nm by thermal evaporation deposition. The relationship between irradiation flux and the stretched exponential function with refractive index and band gap of the films are discussed. The photo-bleaching or photo-darkening behaviors are observed observably in most films, but some of the films with mean coordination number (MCN) around 2.45-2.50 are photo-stable within the accuracy of measurements. The results show that the instability of the infrared chalcogenide glasses thin films have special applications in photonics and optical communication.
来源 :
Acta Optica Sinica
ISSN: 0253-2239
年份: 2013
期: SUPPL.1
卷: 33