The selection and dominance of denitrifying phosphorus removing bacteria (DPB), which was capable of utilizing nitrate as electron acceptor, was investigated in a laboratory-scale sequencing batch moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The experimental results demonstrated that the proportion of DPB increased approximately from 11.77% to 66.07% of total phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) after three stages selection and dominance. In the end of the third cultivating period, average removal efficiencies of COD and TP were 68.78% and 69.02%, respectively, and a large quantity of nitrate, 23.91 mg/L, was removed in anoxic phase. It was found that a great deal of PHB about PAOs emerged in anaerobic phase, whereas a mass of Poly-p about PAOs arose in anoxic phase by biofilm dyeing method, so they could be taken as evidences to judge the process and efficiency of biological phosphorus removal.