Right evaluation of the bond behavior between corroded reinforcement and concrete wrapped with FRP is a chief problem to confirm the effect of FRP confinement. 96 test specimens with embedded reinforcing bars were strengthened by two layers of transverse CFRP after accelerated corrosion. The pullout tests on the test specimens were conducted to study the bond behavior between corroded reinforcing bars and concrete, considering the contribution of different elements including reinforcing bar types, cover depths, corrosion rates, and CFRP confinements. The failure mechanisms were studied. The test results showed that CFRP confinements can make the failure mode of deformed reinforcing bar specimens changed from concrete splitting to bar pull-out. The main influencing factors of the ultimate bond strength were reinforcing bar types and cover depths, and the ultimate bond strength of deformed reinforcing bar specimens was one time larger than that of plain reinforcing bar specimens. When the corrosion rate was less than 5%, CFRP confinement had less contribution on increasing the ultimate bond strength, but it was effective on slowing down the bond stress's descending speed and maintaining the bond strength. When the corrosion rate was higher than 5%, the ultimate bond strength of corroded specimens drops gradually along with the rise of corrosion rate.