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Cao, Guihua (Cao, Guihua.) | Wang, Shuying (Wang, Shuying.) (学者:王淑莹) | Peng, Yongzhen (Peng, Yongzhen.) (学者:彭永臻) | Miao, Zhijia (Miao, Zhijia.)




Concentration of pollutants especially influent C/N in municipal wastewater is higher in the northern China than in the southern China. Therefore, it is difficult to keep efficient and stable removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by using conventional biological treatment processes because of the limitations and typical water quality in the southern China. In this study, a modified A/O step-feed process was operated at lab-scale to deal with the weak urban sewage and to remove simultaneously biological nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P). Under the controlled conditions: influent COD/TN 5.16, HRT 8.7 h, SRT 15 d, MLSS 5.66 g·L-1, sludge reflux ratio 75%, the volume ratio of anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic 4:8:10, DO 1.0-1.5 mg·L-1 in three aerobic zones, continuous operation with six inflow distribution ratio 150 d, the optimal flow distribution ratio obtained was 20%: 35%: 35%: 10%, and the values of COD, ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus in effluent were 33.05 mg·L-1, 0.58 mg·L-1, 9.26 mg·L-1 and 0.46 mg·L-1, respectively. These values were up to Grade A discharging standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)(GB 18918-2002). The majority of COD in raw water was used as carbon source of anaerobic phosphorus release and denitrification processes, and more than 74% of carbon sources was utilized effectively. At the same time, the experiment also found that collaborative control of DO and ORP are not only useful for anaerobic phosphorus release but also for anoxic denitrification and aerobic nitrification. © All Rights Reserved.


Sewage Chemicals removal (water treatment) Ammonia Bioremediation Biological water treatment Denitrification Process control Carbon Anoxic water Water quality Nitrogen Phosphorus Effluents Wastewater treatment Nitrogen removal


  • [ 1 ] [Cao, Guihua]Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environmental Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 2 ] [Wang, Shuying]Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environmental Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 3 ] [Peng, Yongzhen]Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environmental Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
  • [ 4 ] [Miao, Zhijia]Key Laboratory of Beijing for Water Quality Science and Water Environmental Recovery Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China





来源 :

CIESC Journal

ISSN: 0438-1157

年份: 2012

期: 4

卷: 63

页码: 1249-1257


WoS核心集被引频次: 0

SCOPUS被引频次: 7

ESI高被引论文在榜: 0 展开所有



近30日浏览量: 5

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