Component-based systems are developed by combining independently designed and sold software components. It promises an easier reuse of components resulting in a significant reduction of the efforts and costs to produce software applications. However, a maliciously acting component may easily damage the application incorporating it. In this study we introduce an approach addressing the trusted interaction issues by analyzing, acquiring and verifying the collaborative behavior among components. Both collaborative paths among components and the correspondent time constraints along the collaborative paths are considered as the expected behavior. Combined with the collaborative path and time constraint, the acquiring approaches about expected behavior among components are presented. Applying UML and Pi calculus theory, the acquiring approaches about the collaborative path are described. Based on the timing sequence diagram, the time constraint acquiring approaches are also described. A framework to verify and monitor the collaborative behavior among components is designed, and the related implementation issues are discussed. A case study is given at last. The results showed the feasibility and validity of application of the model. © 2012 Binary Information Press.