This paper puts forward a novel design for a high-speed residual potential discharge circuit that improves real time performance of an electrical resistance tomography (ERT) system. The authors' analysis of transient time effects at the electrode-electrolyte surface of a model ERT sensor used with bi-directional current pulse excitation found that a large amount of accumulated charge is produced between the excitation electrodes due to electrode polarization. This part of the residual potential is bound to produce a huge measuring noise and its attenuation speed greatly affects real time performance of the ERT system. Therefore, a novel high-speed discharge circuit is designed to eliminate measuring noise generated by the residual potential. Two simulation tests are conducted on the denoising effect of the new circuit and the results show that the circuit can effectively eliminate residual potential between excitation electrodes. The high speed discharging circuit is also used in an ERT system developed by the authors (using bi-directional current pulse excitation) for an off-line experiment case, where the system achieved a speed of 3877 frames per second. The result shows that this technology can be applied to significantly improve real-time ERT system performance. © 2012 ICIC International.
来源 :
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications
ISSN: 2185-2766
年份: 2012
期: 4
卷: 3
页码: 769-776