A calculator program with EES software was designed for the low-medium temperature geothermal power generation system with organic Rankine cycle. The optimal evaporation temperature was obtained by theoretical calculation for the thermal parameters and its performance of the main state points. The effects of geothermal fluid dryness, its temperature, condensing temperature and working fluid on the optimal evaporation temperature and net power output, respectively, were analysed. The results show that for the same working fluid, both optimal evaporation temperature and net power output increased with increasing geothermal fluid dryness and its temperature, the optimal evaporation temperature increased with increasing condensing temperature, but the net power output decreased with it. For the different working fluids, when the geothermal fluid temperature was between 80-120°C, the optimal evaporation temperature and net power output of R601 and R134a were nearly the same. When the geothermal fluid temperature was higher than 120°C, no optimal evaporation temperature of R134a existed. The net power output of R134a was higher than that of R601. © All Rights Reserved.