An operant conditioning probabilistic automation (OCPA) bionic autonomous learning system is constructed according to nonlinear, strong-coupling and complex two-wheeled self-balancing robot dynamic system. The OCPA bionic autonomous learning system is a probabilistic automaton based on Skinner operant conditioning whose main character lies in simulating the operant conditioning mechanism of biology. And it has bionic self-organization function which contains the self-learning and adaptive functions, and thus the OCPA automaton can be used to describe, simulate and design various self-organization systems. The convergence of operant conditioning learning algorithm of OCPA learning system is proved theoretically. The results of both simulation and experiment applied to two-wheeled robot poster balance control indicate that the OCPA learning system does not require the robot model, and the motion balanced skills of robot are formed, developed and perfected gradually by simulating the operant conditioning mechanism of biology.
来源 :
Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence
ISSN: 1003-6059
年份: 2011
期: 1
卷: 24
页码: 138-146