Mixed molten salt, with large heat capacity, low cost, low vapor pressure, low viscosity, wide using temperature range and so on, has become recognized as a considerable regenerative potential of the heat transfer medium. 36 kinds of mixed carbonate molten salts were prepared by mixing potassium carbonate, lithium carbonate, sodium carbonate in accordance with different proportions. The melting point, decomposition temperature, and specific heat are measured by the analysis of the TGA and DSC curves. In addition, the fitting curves of specific heat are obtained. The results show that melting points of major ternary carbonate are close at around 400°C and decomposition temperatures of most ternary carbonate are 800-850°C. Decomposition temperatures of some ternary carbonate are 900°C. During the measurement, it is necessary to pay attention to the phenomenon of segregation of some components in the cooling process. The specific heats of most carbonates fitted with quartic polynomial of temperature very well. © All Rights Reserved.