To study the axial compressive behavior of short composite-sectioned high strength concrete filled steel tubular (CSCFT) columns, 3 groups of totally 23 specimens were tested under axial compressive loading and the non-linear finite element analysis of one specimen was performed. Test results indicate that the failure mode of all the specimens were similar, i.e., the square steel tube buckles outwards, the concrete between the circular steel tube and the square steel tube is loosened and partially crushed. At the end of test the longitudinal strain of specimens reach 0.09~0.11. The specimens can still take about 70% of the peak vertical load. The calculated compressive stiffness is approximately 83.6% of the average measured values. The calculated axial compressive strength of the specimens, assuming that the circular tube provides lateral confinement to the core concrete, and the square tube provides compressive strength only, agrees well with the test results. The axial compressive load-longitudinal strain curve and the failure procedure obtained by the nonlinear finite element analysis has good agreement with those obtained by the test.