Based on George Gazetas' formulas, the dynamic stiffness and damp of the fundation are calculated. The static and dynamic action of the soil to the foundation is simplified as a spring-dashpot system in the structural analysis. A three dimensional model for a paramid grid truss with rigid foundation, independent foundation and strip footing is established by ANSYS software. Then the effect of the soil-foundation-structure interaction on the static, the dynamic characteristics and the seismic response of a 24m×30m space grid are studied respectively. The research shows that the natural frequency will be lower and the period will be longer after the consideration of soil-foundation-structure interaction. When the stiffness of the foundation meet the requirements of the load and the deformation the effect of the soil-foundation-structure interaction on the static behavior, vibration characteristics and seismis response of the space grid can be ignored, at the same time the design and the calculation method based on the solid foundation assumption are reliable.
来源 :
Journal of Building Structures
ISSN: 1000-6869
年份: 2010
期: SUPPL. 2
卷: 31
页码: 34-38