By using experimental results, the upper and lower limits of the nonlinear curves of the dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio for conventional soils under different probabilities are investigated. The method and formula for calculating the probabilistic zones of the two dynamic parameters for the cohesive and cohesionless soils under the typical shear strains are presented. The approach is that the experimental results are ordered by the standard way, and the distribution form of variability of two dynamic parameters is obtained by the frequency distribution diagram, the tests of normality diagram and the SAS software. According to different distribution forms, the probabilities of the upper and lower limits of the two parameters under typical shear strains are calculated. The results indicate that the relation between the upper and lower limits of the two dynamic parameters and their probabilities can be described by the Boltzmann equation, in which the parameters depend on the soil type and the shear strain. For all probabilities, the ranges of the shear modulus ratio for different shear stains are obviously different while the most ones appear at 10-4-10-3 of the shear strain. For the same probability, the range of the damping ratio increases with increasing shear strain. The proposed formula for calculating the probabilistic zones of the two dynamic parameters lays a foundation for the reliability theory in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering to some extent; and it also can directly supply the technical support to the risk evaluation of a seismic design and seismic safety of engineering structures.
来源 :
Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering
ISSN: 1000-6915
年份: 2010
期: SUPPL. 2
卷: 29
页码: 3930-3940