Quantum walks have received much attention due to their many potential applications for quantum information processing in recent years. In this paper, we propose a novel class of universal and flexible quantum information splitting scheme of an arbitrary qubit and d-dimensional qudit via using the model of quantum walks with multiple coins for the first time. Firstly, for splitting an arbitrary qubit into N parts, quantum walks on the line with coins, which are homogeneous and position dependent, are used, respectively. In addition, it can be generalized to the model of quantum walks on the cycle for fulfilling this scheme. Secondly, for distributing an unknown d-dimensional qudit into N parts, quantum walks with coins are used on the complete graph and the d-regular graph, respectively. Our scheme has two significant merits: (i) It is universal and flexible, which implies that based on the different quantum walks structures, not only an unknown qubit but also d-dimensional qudit can be shared; (ii) the prior entangled state is not necessarily prepared and the entanglement measurement is not needed, which make this scheme more convenient for the agents in applications on a network. This work opens wider application purpose of quantum walks and provides inspiration to explore the potential applications of quantum walks.