Recently, investigation on InGaZnO acting as channel layer for thin film transistor attracted much attention, in order to meet the demand of flexiable display devices. Ga2O3, In2O3, ZnO powders were mixed up according to a certain mol ratio, after the course of grinding, presintering, grinding, pressing and sintering, InGaZnO ceramic target was obtained by solid-state reaction in atmospheric pressure, and the target was tested by X-ray diffraction. Moreover, pulsed laser deposition method was applied to grow InGaZnO films at certain temperature, using quartz glass as substrate. The film was carefully examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmittance specturm and Hall-effect, finally got semiconductor thin film with high smoothness, high transmittance in visible region and excellent electrical properties. These tasks will bring with experimental results in fabrication of InGaZnO thin films for further researches.