In order to investigate the strengthening effects of aramid fiber reinforced polymer (AFRP) sheets on the flexural performance of the corroded beams, the flexural behaviors of corroded RC beams strengthened with AFRP sheets under different degrees of corrosion (minor: reinforcement mass loss is 2.0%, medium: reinforcement mass loss is 6.0%) are researched experimentally in this paper, and compared with that of the control beams (un-corroded) and un-strengthened corroded beams. The results show that, compared with un-strengthened corroded beams under same degrees of corrosion, the cracking load, yield load and ultimate load of minor corroded RC beam strengthened with AFRP sheets is respectively increased by 20%, 27% and 60%, and increased by 15%, 36% and 83% for medium corroded RC beam strengthened with AFRP sheets respectively; The ultimate deflection of the medium corroded beam strengthened with AFRP sheets is 166% larger than that of corroded un-strengthened beam. AFRP sheets can improve significantly the bearing capacity and deformation for corroded RC beams.