To explore the relevant characteristics of Beijing residents' travel time, especially the values of travel time, the authors organized a small-sample survey and received 1 305 effective reports. First, the design of the survey scheme was introduced, including selection of items, estimation of sample quantity, and selection of locations. Then, the average value of the travel time was calculated in terms of modes and purposes based on the surveyed data. In addition, the low dispersion coefficients indicated that the average value had a good representative quality. The average travel time cost per time in terms of different modes and purposes was calculated based on the data of average salary, travel time, and purpose per person relevant to each travel mode. The results indicated that for the purpose of job and business, the travel time cost per person by car or public transit is nearly 10-17 RMB. It means that if the efficiency of the entire road network is greatly improved, the cost time saved by the whole society is quite huge. © 2009 China Association for Science and Technology.