The experimental tests of Fujian standard sand with the relative density of 30% and 60% were performed by using the soil static and dynamic universal triaxial and torsional shear apparatus which was developed in Dalian University of Technology. A series of drained monotonic shearing tests were conducted under complex stress conditions with various orientations of principal stress, constant mean principal stress and coefficient of intermediate principal stress. Based on the comparative experimental results, the effects of orientation of principal stresses and relative density on shear strength as well as volumetric characteristics were respectively investigated. It is shown that the drained shear behavior of sands is considerably dependent on the orientation of principal stress. Furthermore, the patterns of the stress-strain relationships are related to the shear stress imposed on the horizontal and vertical planes. It is indicated that the relationship between generalized deviator stress (or the effective friction angle) and orientation of principal stress in phase-transformation state and in peak state can be represented by an empirical parabolic model. Finally, the influence of density on shear behavior is also discussed. Compared with medium-density sand, the shear-contraction phenomenon of loose sand is significant, and the peak resistant-shear strength decreases.