Network measurement has received a lot of attention during the past few years because the rapid growth of the Internet has caused many internetworking problems in network administration, routing and resource management. For network measurement, the placement of measurement nodes is the key and the study of placement algorithms often requires analysis and simulation using a network model that resembles real networks. In this paper, we study the problem of choosing the network measurement nodes in which we turn the problem into a topology-clustering graph problem and propose a solution based on a nearest dynamic clustering algorithm. Our algorithm starts with the initial cluster centers whose number is normally several times that of the requisite measurement nodes. Then, we cluster the network nodes by the minimum link distance computing, and the nodes that have the nearest link distance to each node in every cluster are selected as the new cluster centers. Last, we incorporate the near clusters by the link distance of each cluster centers and dynamically change the cluster centers. The process continues as long as the new clusters can support the measurement requirements. When the process completes, the final cluster centers are chosen as the measurement nodes. Simulation results show that our clustering algorithm can satisfy the three evaluation metrics: Cluster variance, cluster centers distance and average cluster radius. © 2008 Binary Information Press.