The performance of a new structural IGBT-an internal transparent collector IGBT (ITC-IGBT) that is proposed recently is simulated. On the foundation of the traditional non-transparent collector IGBT structure, a local high recombination region where the carriers' lifetime is low enough is introduced just below the collector in the collector region. In this way, a transparent collector is realized in this IGBT. Meanwhile, the technical problem of ultra thin wafer processing during the manufacturing of low voltage transparent collector IGBTs is also avoided. We emphasize the simulation of the temperature and turn-off characteristics of the device, and compare it with the existing PT-IGBT and FS-IGBT. The results demonstrate that by properly coordinating the configuration of the parameters, not only does the internal transparent collector IGBT boast a positive temperature coefficient of saturation voltage, it also possesses a fast turn-off speed, indicating the excellent performance of the transparent collector IGBT.
来源 :
Chinese Journal of Semiconductors
ISSN: 0253-4177
年份: 2008
期: 2
卷: 29
页码: 348-351