To solve the nonlinear 0-1 programming problem, it is transformed into an equivalent continuous nonlinear programming on the domain of [0, 1] by a nonlinear equality discrete constraint. For the 0-1 programming problem with nonlinear object and lineav constraint, the problem with disorete constraint canbe solved with nultiplier method. For the problem with conhinean object and nonlinear constraint, the discrete constraint can be relaxed to a non-equality constraint with the constraint relexing method. Both are solved by the Genetic Algorithm GENOCOP. The result of multiplier method is more accurate. Constraint relaxing method is an approximate method, can be used to solve the 0-1 programming problem with nonlinear constraint. Examples are presented and compared with enumerating method, and the results show that the approach is accurate and effective.
来源 :
Journal of Beijing University of Technology
ISSN: 0254-0037
年份: 2008
期: 8
卷: 34
页码: 785-791