For large linear non-classically damped system, when mode superposition method based on complex vector is used to analyze seismic responses, the amount of calculating total mode vectors using Jacobi method is fairly large and unpractical indeed. In this paper, Lanczos algorithm and subspace iteration method, which are effective in computing modes of classical damped linear system, are extended and modified to find a set of real vector basis to reduce freedom of primary equation. Combined with Foss transform, a set of applied complex vector basis is derived to analyze the first order complex eigenpairs for dynamic analysis of large non-classically damped linear system under random excitation. From the theoretical analysis and numerical examination, it could be pointed out that the complex vector basis derived in this paper not only has clear physical significance and good computational efficiency, but also is adapted to analyze dynamic responses of large non-classically damped linear system, including seismic responses in time domain and mode superposition based on seismic design spectra in frequency domain.