Using the soil static and dynamic universal triaxial and tensional shear apparatus, a series of cyclic triaxial shear tests under different confining pressures are performed for saturated Fujian standard sands with a relative density of 30% under K0-consolidation condition. And compared with the cyclic triaxial tests under both isotropic and anisotropic consolidation conditions, the procedure of K0 consolidation and the cyclic shear characteristic of sand under different consolidation conditions are discussed. The procedure of K0 consolidation includes two stages: The gradual deformation stage and the steady deformation stage. The measure of the coefficient of earth pressure at rest K0 is affected lightly by different confining pressures. And the development of the pore-water pressure under different consolidation conditions is different. The dynamic strength of sand under K0 consolidation condition is higher than the dynamic strength under anisotropic consolidation conditions (Kc = 1.67) and lower than the dynamic strength under anisotropic consolidation condition (Kc = 2.94).