To investigate the effect of different types of bioreators on N2O production. N2O production and emission in nitrogen removal process treating real domestic wastewater was studied utilizing oxic-anoxic SBR system and intermittent hybrid biological reactor (HBR), filling rate of 30% and operation mode of instantaneous water inflow, aeration (360 min), sedimentation (40 min) and drainage (20 min). The influence of different bioreactors on N2O production in nitrogen removal was investigated mainly. In the SBR system, N2O was mainly produced in nitrification.N2O production in HBR and SBR nitrification was 0.76 mg/L and 1.48 mg/L, respectively. Under the condition of the SBR bioreactor, N2O production was obviously lower than that in the HBR bioreactor.